When I told them the other day that I was in kindergarten in 1990, some of them made comments like, "Wow! Did you live in a log cabin? Did you have to live out in the woods?" I assured them that by the time I was born, people had already invented magical things like television and computers.
They also thought I might have been alive at the same time as Abraham Lincoln. Of course, some of them also didn't realize that George Washington was no longer alive. One student declared with much authority that George Washington was elected as our first president in 1980.
They also had a lot of trouble believing me the first time I tried to explain to them that dinosaurs and humans never lived at the same time. They tried to convince me that cavemen were alive at the same time as dinosaurs. They finally gave in, however, and took my word for it.
I guess I wasn't much different when I was their age, though. After all, 1970 seemed like ancient history when I was in 2nd grade!