Saturday, June 12, 2010


This is my first blog ever, and so bear with me until I get the hang of this.

I'm an elementary teacher, and I just finished my third year of teaching. I taught mostly third grade so far, and next year I will be teaching second grade for the first time! I am very excited about it, and despite the fact that I just finished my first full week of summer vacation, I am enthusiastically planning a bunch of stuff for next year already!

Anyway, I got the idea of starting my blog from on online graduate class I am taking. In that class, we are supposed to write a blog about our learning two times a week. I decided that I really liked sharing my thoughts and ideas about teaching with others, and that it would be fun to try starting a real blog where I could continue to share my thoughts.

I'm hoping that in this process someone might actually find my thoughts helpful to their own teaching, or may also be able to share ideas with me through comments.

So, here we go...

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